Volume 3, Issue 2 (2014)                   WJPS 2014, 3(2): 122-128 | Back to browse issues page

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1- , eskandarlou.m@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8229 Views)
BACKGROUND In rhinoplasty, functional and cosmetic problems of the nose are corrected. These problems cause imbalance between the nasal subunit and face. Throughout these deformities, there are 4 variants, so there is a need for careful preoperative evaluation either for treatment or prevention of the occurrence. According to functional and aesthetic effects of these variables in rhinoplasty, evaluation of the frequency with focus to diagnostic methods was undertaken. METHODS A descriptive study was done over 100 volunteer patients for primary rhinoplasty. After history taking, nasal examination, desirable paraclinical work up and photography taking, presence of 4 anatomical variants was evaluated on the base of definition about normal and abnormal characteristic of them. RESULTS Twenty nine male and 71 female patients underwent primary rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty was done in 85 and close technique in 15 patients. Forty six patients had only one and 23 patients had two of 4 anatomical variant concomitantly. 77% of patients had at least one of four anatomical nasal variations and preoperative diagnosis. The most common anomaly was alar cartilage malposition (51%) and frequency of others was low radix (36%), inadequate tip projection (35%) and middle vault collapse (15%). Frequency of low radix in male patients was 2.5 times more than females. CONCLUSON As at least one of four anatomical nasal variations in preoperative diagnosis was noticed, so it can be the predictor of occurrence and their correction has an important role in the outcome and success in rhinoplasty needs careful nasal analysis and evaluation. As frequency of middle vault narrowing was low, a definitive diagnosis of alar cartilage malpositioning seems necessary in surgical exploration.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Special
ePublished: 2014/04/21

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