Editorial Board

                                                          (WJPS Editorial Board: pISSN: 7914-2228; eISSN: 2252-0724)

Abdollahi S, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Ahmadi Mogaddam M, MD, Day general hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Akhondinasab MR, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Alavi H, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. 
Amini M, MD, Dept. Laparoscopic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Amirizad SJ, MD, Lale general hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Araste E, MD, Lale general hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Asadi K, MD, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Ashtiani K, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Badin AZD, MD, Curitiba, Brazil.
Barrera A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Baylor college of medicine, Huston, USA.
Bateni H, MD, Mehr general hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Bergeret Galley C, MD, Paris, France.
Ceravolo MP, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Rome University, Rome, Italy.
Cerkis N, MD, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dasmeh O, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Dastgerdi V, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Elmi Rad H, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Qom University Med Sciences, Qom, Iran.
Emami A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Emami A, PhD, Burn and Wound Healing Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Erol O, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Farahvash MR, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Farhadieh R, MD, The Canberra Hospital, Australian National University, Australia.
Fatemi MJ, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Fazel I, MD, Dept. Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Fekrazad M, MD, Dept. of medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Foroutan A, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Ghazisaeidi M, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Gryskiewicz J, MD, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Gubisch W, MD, Marien hospital, Stuttgart, Germany.
Hamdi M, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Brussels University, Brussels , Belgium.
Hashemi SS, Burn and Wound Healing Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Hashem-Zade H, DDS, Researcher Fellow of Dental Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Hassanpour E, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Hoghoughi MA, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.  
Hudson D, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa.
Jolodar A, PhD, Dept. Medical Genetics, Manitoba University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Kalantar Hormozi J, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Kazemi A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Keramaddin S, DMD, Dept. Orthodontics, Tehran University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Keshavarzi AK, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Khalatbari B, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Khorasani GA, MD, Dept. of Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Mafi P, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Mahshid Fallahi R, MD, Dena Hospital, Shiraz, Iran.
Manafi A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Mansouri M, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Qom University Med Sciences, Qom, Iran.
Marzban S, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Mesgarzadeh A, DDS Oromaxillofacial Dept, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Modarressi A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, University hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland. 
Mirfakhraei AM, MD, Day General Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Moghadasian H, PhD, Dept. Pathology, Manitoba University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Mohammadi AA, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Mossallaei A, MD, Dept. Radiation Oncology, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Motazedian GH, MD, Dept Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Mousavizadeh SK, MD, Dept. Pharmacology, Tehran University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Nahas FX, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 
Naghibzade B, MD, ENT Dept., Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Nezakatgoo N, MD, Dept. Transplant Surgery, university of Tennessee, Memphis, USA.
Nikpour H, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Panse N, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, BJ medical college, Pune , India.
Payvandi F, MD, PhD, Dept. Internal Med, University Milan, Milan, Italy.
Persing J, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
Rajabiani A, MD, Dept. Pathology, Tehran University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Rajabian MH, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Shiraz University Med Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Rajaei AR, MD, Dept. of Otolaryngology Intrenational Branch, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. 
Rasti M, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Isfahan University Med Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Samieirad S, DDS, Dept. oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental school, Mashhad university of medical scineces, Mashhad, Iran.
Seyhan A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Celal Bayar University Izmir, Turkey.
Shirazi AA, MD, ENT Dept., Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Shirazi R, PhD, Dept. Anatomy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Shubailat G, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Amman University, Amman, Jordan.
Sobouti B, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 
Tabrizian E, MD, Day Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Tavassoli A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Sari University Med Sciences, Sari, Iran.
Totonchi A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Toosi P, MD, Dept. Dermatology, Shahid Beheshti University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Verpaele A, MD, Ghent, Belgium.
Wolfe A, MD, Dept. Plastic Surgery, University of Miami School of medicine, Miami, Florida, USA.
Wolfensberger C, MD, Zürich, Switzerland.
Wu W, MD, Camden medical center, Singapore, Singapore.
Zali A, MD, Dept. Neurosurgery, Shahid Beheshti University Med Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Zienolddiny Sh, PhD, Dept. Toxicology, National Ins Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway. 

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