Volume 12, Issue 1 (2023)                   WJPS 2023, 12(1): 3-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Sharifi F, Samieirad S, Grillo R, Da Graça Naclério-Homem M, Bardideh E, Manafi A, et al . The Causes and Prevalence of Maxillofacial Fractures in Iran: A Systematic Review. WJPS 2023; 12 (1) :3-11
URL: http://wjps.ir/article-1-1039-en.html
1- Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
2- Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Traumatology and Prosthesis, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
3- Dental Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
4- Department of Plastic Surgery, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
5- Department of Medical education, Tehran university of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (2190 Views)
Background: Maxillofacial fractures are a common type of injury that can result in significant morbidity and mortality. We aimed to systematically review the literature on the prevalence and causes of maxillofacial fractures in Iran to estimate the overall prevalence of maxillofacial fractures and the most common causes.
Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science (WS) and Google Scholar (GS) electronic databases was conducted to identify relevant articles published up to January 2023. Studies reporting the prevalence and causes of maxillofacial fractures in Iran were included in the analysis. MOOSE guidelines were adopted for the current systematic review. No data or language restriction were applied. Risk of bias across the articles was assessed.
Results: A total of 32 studies comprising 35,720 patients were included in the analysis. The most common cause of maxillofacial fractures was road traffic accidents (RTAs), accounting for 68.97% of all cases, followed by falls (12.62%) and interpersonal violence (9.03%). The prevalence of maxillofacial fractures was higher in males (81.04%) and in the age group of 21-30 years (43.23%). Risk of bias across studies was considered low.
Conclusion: Maxillofacial fractures are a significant public health problem in Iran, with a high prevalence and RTAs being the leading cause. These results highlight the need for increased efforts to prevent maxillofacial fractures in Iran, especially through measures to reduce the incidence of RTAs.
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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Special
ePublished: 2023/02/25

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