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1- Faculty of Physics, Shiraz university of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
2- , Sara_hashemi@sums.ac.ir
3- Burn and Wound Healing Research Centre, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (154 Views)
Background: Graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) are graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs) gained a lot of interest in biomedical tissue engineering due to their large specific surface area, unique structure, excellent photo-thermal effect, pH response, and broad-spectrum antibacterial properties. We aimed to modify the properties of graphene oxide/polycaprolactone (GO/ PCL) scaffold by laser irradiation.
Methods: The scaffold was fabricated by electrospinning method and then laser irradiation was applied to improve the scaffold's properties. The solution containing of PCL and graphene oxide was combined in an optimized ratio and then transferred to an electrospinning syringe. The temperature distribution affected by laser energy on a scaffold was predicted by heat equation. The Crank-Nicholson numerical method in two dimensions was used in this regard. The morphological properties were evaluated by SEM, XRD, and IDFIX. MTT assay was applied for biocompatibility evaluation.
Results: The 808 nm wavelength and 800 mW power was ideal laser irradiation. SEM results showed the appropriateness of fibres.  MTT results showed a significantly higher cell viability in PCL/rGO group compared to PCL/GO and PCL scaffolds (p≤0.001).
Conclusion: The conversion of GO into rGO led to the better morphology and the reduction of cytotoxicity that gave the scaffold superior properties. Hence, it is justifiable to construct a composite scaffold, enhanced with rGO, to improve its conductivity, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility in the context of tissue engineering.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Special

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