Volume 8, Issue 1 (2019)                   WJPS 2019, 8(1): 69-77 | Back to browse issues page

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Mozaffari Niya N, Kazemi M, Abazari F, Ahmadi F. Iranians’ Perspective to Cosmetic Surgery: A Thematic Content Analysis for the Reasons. WJPS 2019; 8 (1) :69-77
URL: http://wjps.ir/article-1-272-en.html
1- Nursing Research Center , Razi Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery , Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran. , nmozafari78@gmail.com
2- Nursing Department, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Kerman, I.R. Iran
3- Nursing Research Center , Razi Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery , Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
4- (, Nursing Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran
Abstract:   (6598 Views)

Currently, becoming beautiful is a value among Iranian society, although experts have suggested several complications of cosmetic surgery, but decision to have these surgeries has been dramatically increased in recent years. This increase has imposed high workload and costs on the health care system of the country. This study was conducted to explore the reasons why people perform cosmetic surgery in an Iranian context.
Twenty-one subjects from both sexes who were 22-52 year-old and had undergone face plastic surgery between 1-5 years ago were enrolled and semi-structured data was collected via open interviews, while qualitative content were analyzed utilizing conventional analysis methods. Data analysis considered the theme “my face, my destiny” which contained 2 subcategories of “obtaining a chance for a better life “and” obtaining acceptance in society”.
The participants considered cosmetic surgery as a blessing from God that played a major role in their future, so they accepted the risks of the surgery.
Understanding experiences of these individuals may help health care team particularly nurses to consult them and other individuals who might think about doing cosmetic surgery through education to help them make a better decision for to do cosmetic surgery.

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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: General
ePublished: 2019/03/13

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